Heavy Duty Industrial Air Clutches

CK Clutches Sizes 8.5-10-12-14

Factors Served: Factory Automation, Forestry, Materials Handling, Metals and Printing and Die Cutting


MODEL CK – Used in applications as a coupling clutch, the model CK features a compact design and an ability to provide high torque instantaneously or give soft start capabilities to high inertia loads. The model CK is equipped with a pressure plate, torque assembly, backplate, keyed hub and keyed backplate hub for coupling both shafts.


MODEL CR – Designed for installation in a power transmission system where available mounting surfaces of items to which the clutch is to be fastened (IE., sheaves, sprocket, flywheel, gear) have a diameter smaller than the bolt circle of the pressure plate, The model CR has a pressure plate, hub, torque assembly and a registered backplate with a bolt pattern for a mounting surface, The finned pressure plate and backplate allow the model CR clutch greater heat dissipation capabilities.


MODEL CW – Consisting of a pressure plate, hub and torque assembly, the model CW is designed for mounting on any suitable flat surface on either the drive or driven side of the power transmission system where the flat surface is large enough to accommodate the bolt circle of the pressure plate, The compact size of the CW permits installation in areas that might not be considered suitable for other types of clutches.


MODEL PM (Pilot Mount) – Carlson pilot mount clutches are available in sizes from 8.5 to 25 inches in diameter. The model PM is a self-contained, bearing mounted clutch designed for mounting on the end of a shaft. This model consists of a finned pressure plate, torque assembly, adapter shaft that is bored to fit the customer’s shaft and a bearing mounted pilot backplate for mounting a sheave, sprocket, gear, etc.


Heavy Duty Industrial Air Clutches 

  • Two friction surfaces
  • Greater torque capacity
  • Low inertia design
  • High temperature air diaphragm
  • Quick engagement and disengagement
  • Easy adjustment for lining wear


The Carlson Heavy Duty Industrial Air Clutches


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Powerflo Products, Inc.


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